How JAKTOOL’s CEO, Cristy Richards, Developed Core Values That Drive Success

In episode #4 of JAKTALK, a podcast by JAKTOOL, host Jeff Kinsberg is joined by Cristy Richards, the CEO and brains behind our core values. They discuss the business’s growth since she joined, how and why she developed our core values, her history and experience, and so much more.


This article is a recap of JAKTALK episode #4. You can watch the full episode on Vimeo or on YouTube below:


How Our CEO, Cristy Richards, Steers Us Toward New Horizons

Cristy Richards, alongside our Founder, Chairman, and COO, Jeff Kinsberg, has been instrumental in nurturing our business’s growth since joining the team over a decade ago. Cristy’s journey from a multifaceted engineering background at a MedTech powerhouse to her leadership role at JAKTOOL underscores her pivotal role in the company’s exponential growth. We explore the transformative decision that led Cristy to leave her previous role and bring her expertise to JAKTOOL, marking a significant leap forward for the company.


JAKTOOL’s Strategic Adoption of Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

After joining, Cristy spearheaded the development of our core values to steer JAKTOOL and mold its culture & processes, turning to the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) for guidance. EOS offers tools to enhance business management, aiming to boost organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Cristy identified six core values as foundational for guiding the business and shaping its culture:

  1. Great Communication: Emphasizing clarity in interactions with the team, customers, and suppliers, prioritizing care, precision in conveying responsibilities, and asking insightful questions for effective outcomes. It calls for directness, transparency, respect, and honesty.
  2. Humble Confidence: Encouraging openness to change and a culture of sharing thoughts and acknowledging contributions. It values the recognition that better ideas can come from others and emphasizes the importance of collaborative problem-solving.
  3. Learn, Grow, and Apply: Advocating for continuous learning, curiosity, and applying knowledge to problem-solving. It stresses sharing expertise and promoting personal and professional development.
  4. Passion for Doing: Driving results through positive collaboration, enthusiasm for possibilities, and commitment to excellence in every project. It underlines the importance of determination and integrity in all endeavors.
  5. Be the Example: Promoting shared goals and a balanced lifestyle, fostering mentorship, and respecting everyone’s contributions. It highlights consistency in pursuing and achieving our individual goals.
  6. Trust 360: Focusing on building trust with all stakeholders through honesty, responsibility, and understanding. It emphasizes honoring commitments, being supportive, and valuing feedback.

The creation and adherence to these core values are cornerstones for aligning our team efforts, enhancing communication, and driving sustained growth.


How Our CEO and COO Unite Vision and Execution to Drive Success at JAKTOOL

Jeff and Cristy’s roles, respectively, are the ‘visionary’ and ‘integrator’. 

  • Jeff: The Visionary is a person who has lots of ideas, is a strategic thinker, always sees the big picture, has a pulse on the industry, connects the dots, and researches and develops new products and services. The Visionary is typically the founding entrepreneur and operates more on emotion.
  • Cristy: The Integrator is the person who is the tie-breaker for the leadership team, is the glue for the organization, holds everything together, beats the drum (provides cadence), is accountable for the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization.

The definition of these roles has been pivotal in navigating the complexities of expanding JAKTOOL. Jeff, the dreamer, sees the future with clarity and ambition, imagining what’s possible. Cristy, the doer, takes those dreams and turns them into reality with her knack for detail and execution. Their partnership is more than just professional—it’s a symbiotic relationship that brings out the best in each other, driving JAKTOOL forward. Their story is a testament to the power of combining visionary thinking with practical action. As they navigated JAKTOOL’s expansion, their unique blend of skills and shared vision was key.


Our Blueprint for Continued Growth

Jeff and Cristy prioritize continuous learning and improvement, drawing from a broad spectrum of insights from successful entrepreneurs and proven frameworks. They apply this knowledge judiciously, adapting strategies to JAKTOOL’s unique scope. This approach has instilled a culture of adaptability and innovation within the team, encouraging open-mindedness to change and a readiness to tackle new challenges.

By emphasizing learning from both successes and failures, they’ve fostered an environment where continuous improvement is a collective responsibility. This focus on external insights and adaptability has propelled JAKTOOL forward and cemented our reputation as an agile and forward-thinking entity in our sector.


Reflections and Forward Motion: Building a Legacy of Impact

This section of the podcast wraps up with insights into the factors behind JAKTOOL’s achievements, highlighting the blend of strategic foresight, teamwork, and a strong drive for innovation. The partnership between Jeff and Cristy exemplifies the power of combining vision with adaptability and collaboration to overcome business expansion hurdles, making a significant mark on our industry and customers. Their journey showcases the complex process of turning a concept, strong values, and a vision for who we want to be into a growing business.




The JAKTOOL Vision Vault is a space for us to expand on the passions that drive innovation and growth at our company. On this blog, we’ll take deeper dives into industry news and our expertise and highlight the leaders we have under our own roof through featured blogs. Follow along for updates throughout the month and recaps on new episodes of JAKTALK, our biweekly podcast hosted by our founder, COO, chairman, and visionary, Jeff Kinsberg.